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Through the Years
The Yan Ranch

6th Grade:
This is when K**** Y** and I first met. It was a year when careers were made and broken all at once, and when we all were learning about eachother. Yan was a shy, frail boy back then. He wasn't ready to face the world yet, and he had no idea that he would soon grow into the unsung mascot of Pine Hollow Middle School.

7th Grade:
This was a great year for the growth of Yan. He Finally had established a symbol, the almost infamous "Ding Dong", (known as Dorremôn in his native China). This beloved blue alarm clock began K****'s jump into the world of unforgiving popularity. Soon, however, a tragic loss would cause him to question whether this popularity was worth it...

8th Grade:

The beginning of this year started a new revolution in K****'s popularity. He was now a household name, which sometimes wasn't a good thing. In late september of this year, people began to literally chase him. This resulted in outbreaks of violence on the Yanman's part. He was almost suspended. Then something even worse happened. Something that made K**** question his very existance. Ding Dong,  one of K****'s greatest and most trusted allies, was found dead on September 19th. This horrible incident was followed by another blow to the Yan family. K**** suffered his first sick day of the year on September 22nd.

A quick Biography

Age: 13
Astrological Sign: Aries
Favorite TV show: Furi Kuri
Favorite Character: Ding Dong
Favorite Candy: Toxic Waste